
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2020


Covid 19 (Coronavirus) Introduction Coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s as important human pathogens and animals, causing different diseases that can range from a cold to a pneumonia.Six types of coronaviruses had been identified that could generate disease in humans, including those causing the two epidemic outbreaks previous: the SARS coronavirus that first appeared in 2002 and the MERS-CoV, which First identified in 2012 in the Middle East.  At the end of December 2019, identified a new coronavirus as the causative agent of a group of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, capital of China's Hubei province, calling it the World Organization of the Health (WHO) in February 2020, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease that causes COVID-19, which means coronavirus disease 2019. Since Wuhan it spread rapidly, initially resulting in an epidemic throughout China, followed by a growing number of cases worldwide, generated the pandemic and current health


How is COVID-19 spread? A person can get COVID-19 from contact with someone who is infected with the virus. The disease is spread mainly from person to person through droplets that fly out of an infected person's nose or mouth by coughing, sneezing, or talking. These droplets are relatively heavy, do not go very far, and fall quickly to the ground. A person can contract COVID-19 by inhaling the droplets from a person infected with the virus.  This is why it is important to stay at least one meter away from others. These droplets can fall on objects and surfaces around the person, such as tables, knobs, and railings, so other people can become infected if they touch those objects or surfaces and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands frequently with soap and water or with an alcohol-based disinfectant. Can someone with no symptoms infect me? The main way of spreading COVID-19 is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who coughs


What can I do to protect myself? Wash your hands thoroughly and often using an alcohol-based disinfectant or soap and water. Keep a minimum distance of one meter between you and others. Avoid going to crowded places Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth Both you and those around you should make sure that you maintain good respiratory hygiene. That means covering your mouth and nose with your elbow flexed or with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Immediately discard the used tissue and wash your hands. Stay home and isolate yourself even if you have mild symptoms like cough, headache, and light fever until you recover. Ask someone to bring you the supplies. If you have to leave home, put on a mask to avoid infecting other people. If you have a fever, cough, and shortness of breath, seek medical attention, but telephone as far as possible in advance and follow the directions of your local health authority. Stay up-to-date on the latest developments from reliable sources, such as WHO


How long does the virus survive on surfaces? The most important thing to know about coronavirus contact with surfaces is that they can be easily cleaned with common household disinfectants that will kill the virus. Various studies have shown that the COVID-19 virus can survive up to 72 hours on plastic and stainless steel surfaces, less than 4 hours on copper surfaces, and less than 24 hours on cardboard surfaces. As always, wash your hands with an alcohol-based disinfectant or soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose. What is the relationship between COVID-19 and animals? COVID-19 is spread by transmission between humans. We know a great deal about other viruses in the coronavirus family, and most of these types of viruses originate from animals. The COVID-19 virus (also called SARS-CoV-2) is a new virus in humans. The possible animal source of COVID-19 has not yet been confirmed, but is under investigation. Can children or adolescents get COVID-19? Research indicates


What is the best way to pass the contingency at home? Well, with this contingency an exercise routine of about 20-30 minutes is recommended, it is essential since it is a natural antidepressant, it breaks the day and keeps you healthy, you can maintain communication with your loved ones, do not obsess over the news This will cause anxiety and there is also false news that all they do is make you feel bad.                                                                                              Here is a link to perform an exercise routine:  https://www.teamsfour.com/2019/07/exercise-routine-at-home-to-gain-weight.html When will the return to school be? According to the Secretary of Public Education, the return to schools in our country will take place until the authorities indicate that the traffic light is green, which means that the panorama is already safer and, finally, all the activities affected by the return , although with the respective security measurements. COVID-19 a